Michael Harris

Software Engineer


html5 HTML 5
css3 CSS 3
javascript Javascript
sass Sass
npm NPM
react React JS
nodejs Node JS
yarn Yarn
python Python
redux Redux
java Java
postgresql Postgresql

Languages and Libraries


image of Michael

Hey!! Welcome to my website. About me...well I started to code in 2017 with a programming language Python. Back then I was only actively programming for about a month, until I stopped.

Why did I stop? Well, I wasn't having fun with Python, so I just gave up learning it. I always thought programming looked cool and I had wished I found it fun, but I thought to myself, did I quit learning because I wasn't having fun or was it just hard for me to understand? A year later and a half later, I would decide to continue learning programing, but this time a different path...Web Development.

What changed? I told myself I would not quit as soon as I came across subjects I couldn't grasp immediately. Starting with HTML and CSS I quickly realized that web development was amazing and even though I kept hitting walls with JavaScript I didn't stop learning because I discovered that the only way you truly fail is if you stop trying. As a web developer you are always learning! And I have discovered a passion and patience for that learning. I am proud of the progress I've made and look forward to the future successes and failures. Every day I code there is a new challenge.

To accelerate my learning to become a Full Stack Web Developer I joined a coding bootcamp. As I was learning I also became a team lead to help other aspiring developers on their journey. After that I joined a small company as a software developer working remotely to help develop new features and fix existing bugs with the main web application. When I'm not coding and trying to grasp new ideas and languages, I like to play music. Typically I jam on the guitar but I'll sometimes go on the keys and play a couple chords there but the guitar definitely has my heart.

Thanks for visiting my site, I look forward to implementing new concepts and technologies that I learn here.



switch app

This was concept application for co workers of mine. It sorts through schedule and displays appropriate information to the user.

A Story By Us


You can submit up to 15 characters to create a story about a specific topic. Everyone gets one submission per story.


states app

Choose a state and it'll display an image and a brief description that correspends with that state. Descriptions gathered from History.com.


rgb game

Inspired by Colt Steele this game uses various custom written JavaScript functions.